Opanon Bot

https://t.me/OpanonBot (English)

https://t.me/NashenasBot (Persian)

This bot allows you to send and receive anonymous messages.

  1. Start the bot and click on /my_link.

  2. You will get a code and a link.

  3. Share the link on your socials and people will be able to send you anonymous messages!

  4. Alternatively, you can share the code with them. They will have to press /send then give the code and start the chat.



Shows some tips and common questions.


This will show you your current anonymous chat code and link.


This command deletes your current code (if any) and creates you a new one.


This command deletes your current code (if any) without creating you a new one.


Check out this page for a list of things you can work on: Contributing Guide