Getting Started

Local Environment Setup

You will need docker and docker compose installed to run the project locally.

Once your requirements are installed, fork the repository and clone your fork.

To run the project, run:

docker-compose -f local.yml up

This will create the app and db instances and once it’s done, you should be able to see the admin page at http://localhost/admin

For running commands use either:

docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python ...


make manage cmd=<your command>

This will obtain a shell in the same container your app is running in and runs the command inside the container.

If you need to run these with the production settings, use -f production.yml instead.

Working on Documentation

This project uses Sphinx with rST for its documentation engine. All docs are then published to

To see a live version of the docs on your local while making changes, run:

docker-compose -f local.yml up docs

Then head to http://localhost:9000

Creating a New Bot

Create a new app in eastern_bots directory for your bot. You can use eastern_bots/bot_template as a template for your bot with some basic configurations in place. It’s worth checking out New Bots Requirements page before working on your bot.