Incoming Messages Bot

This bot allows you to send messages in chats by calling a webhook.

  1. Add the bot to the chat you would like to have a webhook for (you can also use the private chat with bot for this).

  2. Call /new command on the bot and follow the prompts.

  3. The bot will send a URL which is that chat’s webhook.

  4. Post messages to that webhook with message key and the message will be sent to the chat, by the bot.


The bot only supports text messages at the moment. You may not post pictures or other message types to the webhook



This will create a new webhook for the chat the command was sent to. The webhook address will be sent in the chat.


Help message explaining what the bots and its commands are.


Show all the webhooks created in this chat. From the sent list, you can get the URL for a webhook again or delete it.


Check out this page for a list of things you can work on: Contributing Guide